Por: Mariana Hernández Arboleda
Cuento escrito en otro idioma
I arrived, like every single day of the last three years and immediately felt it. Something was not right in that place, it was losing the warmth. I knew it was imminent, but I was so blinded by faith in humanity that I could not believe it.
It was just me and
her, a binary system in which one already knows that no one else fits. Ellie
was that spiritual vitamin that used to make me grow, the cure against the pain
of loneliness.
The sweet and loving look that always received me, It was
not there, so i got scared and looked for her and i found her.
Ellie lay on my
bed, waiting for look at me by the last time. There, I understood that each
word was true: They did not endure her. My neighbors did not see her happy and
energetic like me, but strident and inopportune.
So I cried and she joined me. I cried seeing her fade and
closing her eyes saying goodbye.
They took her, they poisoned my puppy.
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