sábado, 22 de junio de 2019


By:Sara Manuela Nieto Lopera
Short story in another lenguage

I couldn't understand why would someone design such a famous park with old tiles
that don't even match color. Were they trying to make it look old fashioned? It didn't
even had a patron. Wasn't anyone bothered about it?
I got up from the ground, shaking off the dust caught on my knees, and I started
looking around, trying to identify in which direction were more weird tiles together.
That's when I noticed the white flash of some teeth, and immediately after, heard the
charming laugh. In front on me was a young lady, sitting on a bank right under a
yellow apricot tree; the charming laugh was hers.
I starred, astonished, was she laughing at me? This old man?
Her eyes met my gaze for the shortest second, and then flew away distracted by a
yellow apricot flower falling down. She reached out, her hand opened in the exact
spot, she caught the little flower, and then let it go. I, just like her, followed the little
thing until it found the ground, just over a yellow tile. Over a yellow apricot blossom
I looked around, and of course! There they were! pink Magnolias and white
Camellias, all over the park, tiles and tiles were hanging around my head.

1 comentario:

  1. What a denouement. Also, such a smooth and suave storytelling. I loved it, Sara!



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